Saturday, June 16, 2007

Amiamo I'Italia

Last night we went to see Oceans 13!!! Its actually fun to watch it with Italian subtitles and it was so relaxing to not be walking all over the place. We loved it!

Today was another long walking day in Rome. We went to the Vatican and the line to get into the Museum was incredibly long, but it moved really fast. For anyone that has been there, you know when you get inside you have to walk through the museum, without stopping for another 45 minutes until you reach the Sistine Chapel! Though once you get there it is so worth it. It's hard not to stand in awe forever!!!
We then went to St Peters and had amazing Gellati at Old Bridge Gellateria (tip from a friend who studied in Rome for a year, grazie!) We walked down the river and to the Bocca della Vertia! (mouth of truth) and took pictures in front of it with our hands inside the mouth like Audrey Hepburn.
IT's too bad these computers wont hook up to our cameras, but tomorrow we take the train to Firenze!! And stay at my old pensione. It will be a trip for sure.
Hope you guys are enjoying reading our travels!
Now we are off for a big bowl of pasta and some more gellati!!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

We went and Oceans 13 - are they that behind or just showing old movies. Glad to hear all is well - looking forward to seeing an update of pictures.